I've been Tagged!

Thanks, Nancy! -- I think...

Tagged on 29 May, here is my contribution to the thread. Like Nancy, I am not going to actually tag anyone, but if you would like to play... (hint, hint)

The rules:

Each participant lists eight facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning of the post, before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags eight people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

My stuff:

  • I am not afraid of heights like cliffs or airplanes, but elevators and ladders make me nervous. Really. As long as my arthritic knees let me I would rather go up ten flights of stairs! And the only reason I go up the ladder is because I now own the house, and want to protect my investment by keeping gutters and roof clear.
  • I read in spurts -- I'll go through five or six books in a couple weeks, then go for a couple months reading only things online. Not sure why. Perhaps it's just easier to skim and surf than really get into a story? Which reminds me: there was a novel I set aside the other day...
  • I am a renaissance mediocrity. I am mediocre in lots of fields, from math to art to music to .... you get the idea. I like a lot of subjects enough to study them until I am familiar with the ideas and terms, then I lose interest and move on. Hence, I excel in nothing but can readily converse in lots of things.
  • Some of my trees have a sort of blight that I can't figure out. It looks viral, but could be fungal, and unless I can find an arborist willing to give free advice, I may have to just cut them down. This does not please me!
  • I like to have things in order, generally speaking alphabetical from left to right, or color-wise from red to purple. When I have the opportunity, I arrange my books, paints, fabrics, spices... but I rarely have the time or space these days.
  • I think food allergies are the worst. I never know if what I am eating is going to make me get hives, or swell up, or whatever. Even when I make the food myself, occasionally I will have a reaction. A close second though are the airborne chemical sensitivities. Sometimes when I am away from home my skin starts to burn for no reason. That's not fun.
  • I love animals. I like cats, dogs and birds. I think horses are beautiful, and goats are funny. I like the garter snakes in my garden (but when I was little back East the diamondbacks scared me), and the lizards that I see sometimes, sunning themselves on logs. I like turtles (box not snapping), fish, butterflies, dragonflies, worms (yes, they are neat and they feed my garden)... I draw the line at cockroaches though. Yuck.
  • I have the biggest crush on my husband. He's neat. And he bakes yummy bread.
So, that's my 8 facts. Who wants to play?


Nancy said…
Oh that is a fun list! Thanks for playing.

Where did you live back east?

By the way, my pear trees are starting to "pear" and it looks like it will be another big bumper crop year. UGH.

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